Sunday, January 10, 2016

Tips On Finding A Suitable Coffee Alternative

By Joyce Thompson

People who try to quit caffeine are most likely to come up with numerous excuses for giving up. This is because once addicted to the drug, quitting can be difficult and may involve suffering from withdrawal symptoms. However, you need to make healthier choices by seeking a good coffee alternative to go for.

Probably, the most common substitute is tea. You will find this readily available in most offices you visit. The teapots are most certainly healthier alternatives to the most loved coffee machines. Teas can be acquired in numerous blends and forms that include herbal, green, black and specialty.

Coconut water is the next alternative whose popularity has been on steady rise recently. As the name suggests, the drink is an extract of green coconuts and has been used for many years. It is sweet, refreshing and offers the body useful bio-active enzymes. Still, you want to know that your bottle of sparkling water is just good enough. Instead of your usual dose of caffeine, the drink hydrates and is a refreshing replacement worth taking in good quantities.

The popularity of soft drinks is so huge that you can easily mistake them for healthier choices. However, the reality is way different. These highly regarded drinks do more damages to your body than you could ever imagine as they contain harmful preservatives. They are thus not the best substitute to coffee to try out. Instead, consider trying out a cup of lemon water every morning or in the middle of a busy day and wait for the boost in energy it brings.

You have probably heard of the holly tree found in the rain forests of South America. The extract which is known as Yerba mate is also a perfect alternative to worth considering. Apart from being vitamin-packed, the beverage also provides a buzz just like what caffeine does. It can be prepared in different ways including cold, hot, with honey or in a conventional blending machine. Go ahead and give it a try.

Today, there is a wide variety of pro-biotic products the market provides. These sparkling drinks offer active cultures in different strains. Most people and this may include you, do not know why these ingredients are important. Nonetheless, studies have shown that digestive disorders happen when friendly bacteria that live in the intestines are disturbed. This could be due to taking antibiotics and thus requires counteracting.

Peppermint tea is also another substitute worth trying. The beverage provides a refreshing taste while providing your system with the energy to start your day or keep going. It is also capable of calming your stomach and giving you fresh breath after a meal. Still, the drink is packed with lots of vitamins and nutrients useful to your body.

Finding the best substitute that will work for you can be tricky. It may involve trying different things on offer to find an ideal replacement. The process may also be fun as you realize that there are numerous many other beverages that the world offers apart from what the media makes you believe. Still, you will be more comfortable knowing you have made a healthier decision.

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