Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Brain Authority Hinsdale Helps Depression Sufferers

By Kenya Saab

Mood disorders such as anxiety and depression seem to be increasing. There are more prescriptions for antidepressants than ever. Fortunately research is helping medical professionals understand the causes of these problems and new techniques are available. New therapies are available from the brain authority Hinsdale residents can visit at the Brainshape Center.

Antidepressant drugs are one of the most prescribed medications in the United States. Increasing numbers of people are being diagnosed with the condition and are offered a pharmaceutical straight away. This happens without regard to the differences in individuals and many experience terrible side effects.

The fact is that bodies are intricate systems. Understanding biochemistry is helping doctors realize that many illnesses are the result of an imbalance of chemicals. This can result from genetic factors but it does not mean that recovery is impossible.

In the brain there are a number of chemicals which determine moods. These include norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. Pharmaceuticals change the levels of these chemicals but it is a lottery as nobody checks which ones are insufficient or overloaded in each patient. This is why side effects occur so often.

Testing each person and discovering their personal nutrient profile is the first step in the therapy. From this information a program can be designed using natural amino acid, mineral and vitamin supplements. These supplements help the brain to produce the correct levels of neurotransmitters, the chemicals responsible for moods.

Whether an individual has suffered from depression for many years and tried lots of different drugs or has only just started to experience symptoms this program can be tried. A free telephone consultation is available to establish whether the therapy is appropriate. Natural therapies are a safer way of relieving symptoms of mood disorders.

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