Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Alcohol Treatment: Is It Always The Same?

By Kinters Lou

If you have a son or daughter that deals with any kind of addiction, you may wonder what if every treatment program is the same. Many parents find themselves helping their sons and daughters with appropriate treatment programs. These programs are often hard to deal with and experience for multiple reasons. It is said that only 15% of all addicts fully recover from an addiction because of a rehab program. Most rehab programs simply don't work.

It is becoming more obvious as time moves on that addicts often have to go to rehab more than once in order to get sober. Sobriety takes time and most addicts do not get sober unless they want to. Even if a family member begs them to stay clean, they often do not unless they want to. Sobriety often comes from the heart. It is a fact that in order to stay sober, one must find their faith. Faith keeps an addict true to staying sober and having accountability.

If the addict does not want to get help, you can force them to get help by a court order. You must go to your local county office and file a petition to have your loved one stand before a judge and get them legally forced into a treatment program. In the state of Florida, this is often referred to as a Marchman Act. It varies from state to state. However, in many cases, the addict is too intoxicated to make decisions for themselves. A judge may see it as being necessary to get the addict help before their situation becomes fatal.

It is important to walk through life feeling like you are becoming whole again. In life, you have to really decide on what is right for you. What is it that you want to try and overcome? It is never easy to watch yourself going down a spiral. Addicts often spin out of control in their addiction before seeking help. When an addict gets treatment for their addiction, they often feel like it was the right thing for them to do. Getting treatment often takes time and discipline.

Treatment for alcohol and drug addiction is not always the same. In fact, most treatment programs are either holistic, 12 step or faith based. Many addiction programs involve horse and animal therapy. This kind of therapy works well because an addict is given a task to take care of an animal while they are in treatment. They learn how to bond with an animal and the animal often brings out love inside the addicts heart. They can communicate their feelings better. It is an important step for someone to take that is in rehab. Faith based programs mostly focus on your relationship with God and the fact that he loves you enough to want to see you get sober.

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