Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Benefits Of Life Care Planning

By Raymond Foster

A new program is now available for individuals effected by catastrophic disabilities due to injury or illness. The program known as life care planning often involves more action, research, and thought than other similar plans. Advanced directives, living wills and others tend to focus on end of life issues. Whereas, these new professionals and programs work with clients on an ongoing basis.

First, the client provides an overall evaluation of the client based on past and present medical history. After which, intensive consideration is given to the needs of the client and family based on the severity of disability in the present and future expectations. When clients have multiple disabilities, different plans are often required for each issue.

Whether suffering one, or multiple disabilities, clients often work with more than one professional. Working with different providers is often common when it comes to these life based care programs. Whether due to age, changes in lifestyle, ill-health, or the resignation or retirement of a professional, there can be a number of different reasons for these changes over time.

Individuals with disabilities can often benefit a great deal from these type programs. Along with managing current issues and preventing potential problems, professionals often incorporate family and friends into the process. In doing so, clients have a network of support which includes emotional, medical and physical support on an ongoing basis.

The use of these type care planning programs along with regular medical visits, physical therapy and at times psychological counseling are often used as management and preventative tools. Use of these type programs within the judicial system often helps create an accurate profile and needs of those seeking to become involved in the process. Once a profile has been developed, the provider can better understand and accommodate the needs of each client.

While professionals are often consistent when providing this type of plan, each also understands that each client has different needs. For example, some clients may require outpatient treatment at a local hospital or clinic while others may be fine at home. Most often, the professional will base the type of care on the initial enrollment and profile created at the beginning of the client and provider relationship.

The sequence for each client involves projected evaluations, modalities, medication, testing, supplies, walker, wheelchair, home based care, future medical care, rehabilitation and other needs. While many clients may have transportation, there area also those without vehicles or those whom can not operate one due to health. As a result, transportation, food delivery and other services may also be needed either as part of the program.

Each individual or family member must decide whether this type program might be beneficial whether now or in the future. Disabled individuals living alone often benefit the most from these type long term planning situations. Whereas, even those living with limited disability can also benefit in knowing what might be in store for the future based on past and present research.

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