Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Commercial Benefits Of Ebola Virus Outbursts

By Alfred Obi

The Ebola virus break out in Western Africa dominated a lot of the reports in 2014. The highly contagious virus spreads quickly and kills over half of the people that get infected, leading to serious panics across multiple continents. While the majority of the dead are in Africa, health workers did bring the virus home to other states and continents.

For all the problems and focus on doomsday scenarios on what the virus could do, there are basically dome economic benefits of Ebola virus outbreaks. The industrial benefits largely breakdown between nonprofit or state groups and for-profit biotechnology firms.

Executive or help setups like the Red Cross or the CDC tend to see increases in funding in events like these. The business benefits to them are direct and help out those on the ground suffering or assisting and containing an outbreak.

This containment keeps commercial disruption when funding is adequate to turn the tide of an outburst.

The longer-term economic benefits of Ebola virus onsets are biotech firms working on vaccines or medicines that might improve survival rates of those infected with Ebola. One such firm is Tekmira, which has been given blessings by the FDA to broaden testing on in its experimental Ebola drug for larger scale clinical trials.

Sarepta Therapeutics, Nanoviricides and BioCryst Pharmaceuticals are other biotech outfits that might see increased business in the future if their own Ebola drugs and medications turn out to be of value.

While the 2014 Ebola break out is the first to have caught global attention as much as it probably did, it was barely the first onset. Others have happened, and more will happen in the future. Any business that has an Ebola drug or vaccine on the market that proves effective can be certain to see a rise in business in the future.

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