Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Thinking Of Using Soy For Hot Flashes

By Chester Ripley

A large number of women will suffer from some discomfort and mood changes during menopause and will seek medical advice. In many cases, a doctor will prescribe medication that can help to suppress many of the symptoms such as night sweats. More women are now choosing natural remedies and may consider using soy products for menopause relief and some research is advisable before you begin.

Doctors will have approved medication that they can prescribe that will combat some of the menopausal symptoms. The most popular of these is HRT and many females have used it and continue to do so with good results. In some instances, using this particular type of drug has resulted in some side effects so a lot of females are now opting for natural remedies and treatments.

In recent years, many females have started using soy products in their diet to help with hot flashes and night sweats. Soy is very high in estrogens and this stops the body producing the chemicals that cause the sweating. It is not officially approved by doctors and the professional medics but many doctors have advised women to use it while the in depth research continues.

A lot of investigation had been done into whether soy is good or bad for women's health if used regularly. Some patients that have been questioned have reported digestive problems and other complications or side effects. At the moment there is a lot of research being done and the results have not yet been published and it may be a few years before there are any cast iron conclusions.

Alternative studies have been done claiming that using soy products may increase the risks of cancer. Breast cancer patients have been advised not to use any type of soy product as it will be bad for their health. Other reports have stated it could reduce the risks so there is conflict in these findings at the present time. If you have suffered from cancer it is very important that you speak with your medical people before using alternative medicines or therapies.

If you choose to try soy to help there are many other ways to take it than drinking milk. Milk is the most popular way but many people also use food made with it including burgers, snack bars and sausages. Soy beans can also be used when cooking and many vegetarian foods also contain it and these can be found in most supermarkets.

If you are considering alternative medicines or therapies there are a couple of important things to think about. If you start using soy products and you do not notice an improvement then it may not be the correct way to go. If you start to feel better after using it then you should continue as long as you do not experience any other health problems.

Any course of therapy has side effects and your physician should be consulted for advice before you start any treatments. If you are in good health, eat healthy and nutritious foods and do some type of exercise you will respond much better to most therapies. There is a lot of detailed information on the internet regarding the use of soy and reading this may help you with your decisions.

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