Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Carrolltown Hospice Care Services That One May Consider

By Gannon G. Hollick

The diagnosis of a terminal illness is, in most cases, very shocking to many patients and their relatives. Many equate such a diagnosis to death and begin to despair. While the primary disease may be incurable, there are associated symptoms that can be managed. If you are living in carrolltown hospice care services may ease the burden of having to take care of the increasingly dependent relative and as well as make sure that they get the best medical care available.

One of things that the facility does is to continue with palliative treatment that includes the control of pain and other related symptoms. Any side effects that may result from the administration of medication are managed as well. This ensures that your loved one remains comfortable and in control of their life. They need to be in a position to make important decisions regarding their family and property as is often required.

There are a number of different arrangements that you can consider. These include home-based care, inpatient care in a healthcare facility or a mixture of both. The choice is determined by a number of factors that include, the stage and type of the illness, distance from a hospital (in case of an emergency) and availability of care givers at home. Advanced and complicated cases should ideally be monitored closely in hospital.

Many of these facilities have a program that manages of spiritual health for their patients. This is important because persons whose time in the world is coming to an end have many questions related to life and whether or not there is an afterlife. With science providing very little in credible solutions, religion remains the only source of hope at this point. Regular visits by religious leaders, use of literature and engagement in fellowships are some of the ways of engaging patients.

The family should be involved actively in the treatment process to realize optimal results. Hospices often organize meetings that are usually led by the hospice nurse or doctor. The healthcare provider informs of the family of the progress being made or whether there are any challenges that should be addressed. In addition both the patient and the family members get an opportunity to express themselves about various aspects of the illness which in the long run helps to improve management.

The treatment of cancer requires multidisciplinary input due to its complexity. The multidisciplinary team usually includes, among others, the nurse, the doctor, pharmacists and the clergy. Ordinarily, it is quite difficult to have all the required specialists available for the patient. The hospice makes it easier for them to make coordinated visits and to consult with each other on the best way on how to manage a particular patient.

Respite care can be provided by a hospice when needed. What this means is that for a period of time (usually a couple of days), the duty of taking care of the patient is taken up entirely by the hospice team and the family gets time off. This allows them to travel for a vacation or special event.

We have to accept that we will lose our loved ones at some point and we should prepare for the same. Hospices ensure that both the patient and the family are well prepared for this eventuality and stand by the bereaved during their time of mourning. Support may come in the form of phone calls, professional counseling or enrollment into support groups.

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