Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Stuart Millheiser & 3 Reasons Why Physical Therapy Matters

By Jason McDonald

Anyone who is familiar with ALS can tell you that, at the moment, there is no cure set in place. Medical research is constantly being done on the matter, so that we can continue to learn about said condition and try to figure out ways to work around it. Stuart Millheiser and the like can help to push this method along. For those who are curious to know what can be done, as far as coping is concerned, many patients have turned to physical therapy.

If you're curious to know why this form of therapy is so crucial, there are many points of interest to make note of. Some of these can be uncovered by research you do on your own time, but it's just as easy to assume that the likes of Stuart Millheiser and other activists can provide assistance. In any event, to better understand why physical therapy might be worthwhile to you, here are 3 reasons why you should get involved in it.

Physical therapy, more than anything else, works to keep patients active. Keep in mind that ALS results in the breakdown of muscle tissue, meaning that even the lightest of activities can prove to be taxing. This is one of the reasons why this form of therapy is so meaningful. By staying active, you're able to slow down the process by which your body breaks down the tissue in question, making it a worthwhile method for men and women alike to take part in.

You should also know that physical therapy can help to keep loved ones closer together. ALS patients should have the strongest support structures with them, since these help them to cope with the disease that plague them. Not only does this form of therapy help the patients in question, but loved ones can take part in it as well, resulting in a greater sense of connection. This sense of improvement is undeniable, as Stu Millheiser and others can attest to.

Did you know that physical therapy has the chance of improving moods among ALS patients as well? There's no denying the fact that this matters, seeing as how exercise in general can reduce stress. When people are involved in physical activity, it seems like their attention is taken off of work and it's instead placed on the exercise they're involved in. Physical therapy is, more or less, the same and it holds undeniable weight to boot.

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