Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Lung Strengthening Tips Shared By A Pulmonologist New York Locals Put Their Trust In

By Joseph Fox

Thanks to the lungs, the various cells and tissues of the body are able to get the oxygen they need. The said organs are also involved in getting rid of attacking bacteria and viruses. Below are a few simple tips on strengthening one's lungs and the rest of the respiratory system, as shared by a pulmonologist New York locals trust.

Quit cigarette smoking. Someone who smokes should definitely put an end to his or her unhealthy habit right away. That's because there are over 7,000 poisonous substances present in cigarette smoke. Of those, 70 are scientifically-proven to increase cancer risk. Cigarette smoking, as a matter of fact, is regarded as the leading cause of deadly lung cancer.

Avoid secondhand smoke. Just because a person isn't a smoker doesn't necessarily mean that his or her lungs are already out of harm's way. Inhaling smoke emitted by cigarettes or exhaled by smokers is just as dangerous as smoking. Such is what's referred to by the experts as passive smoking, and in the United States it's the one to blame for about 3,400 lung cancer deaths per year in people who do not smoke.

Reduce pollutant exposure. Pollutants in the air are just as bad for the health as cigarette smoke. That is why it is highly recommended for anyone to minimize his or her exposure to those. Sadly, pollutants can be found not only outside but also inside the home. In order to reduce indoor pollution, there are some steps that may be taken. Some examples include installing exhaust fans, removing carpets, vacuuming more often and getting rid of household products that have questionable ingredients in them.

Stay hydrated. Health authorities say that drinking about 2 liters of water per day is necessary for the proper functioning of the body's various organs, and they include the lungs. The consumption of plenty of water helps keep the mucus in the lungs and many other parts of the respiratory system thin. Mucus that's too thick can keep a person's respiratory system from carrying out its many different tasks properly.

Wash your hands with soap and water. It's important for you to regularly wash your hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer. This is a must especially when it's the flu or cold season. When in a public place, put on a surgical mask especially if there are lots of people around.

Get regular exercise. It's important to ensure that the diaphragm as well as muscles of the rib cage to stay strong. Such can be attained by engaging in cardiovascular exercises regularly. Some wonderful examples of those are jogging, brisk walking, hiking, dancing, swimming and bicycling. During situations that are stressful or nerve-racking, a person should remember to take breaths that are slow and deep.

Eat healthily. Experts say that the body has plenty of first lines of defense, and one of those is the respiratory system. This is why one must do everything necessary in order to keep it in top-top shape. To have the lungs supplied with the nutrients they need, having well-balanced meals is recommended. It's also a wonderful idea to consume vitamin C-rich foods that help bolster immune cells.

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