Sometimes muscle in various parts of the body become weak or are made weak by various factors so that they are incapable of maintaining organs in place. When this happens, organs bulge outside their normal space into the outside or into other spaces. This usually leads to a medical condition referred to as hernia. It occurs mostly in the abdomen due to weakness of peritoneum muscles in the abdomen. When in need of treating Hernia Queens NY should be visited.
The weakness in the peritoneum muscles causes the intestines to bulge outside the abdomen into the groins or other spaces. The bulge that is caused by the condition is usually visible from outside. When one lies on their back, the bulge may disappear. It is also possible to make the bulge disappear temporarily by pushing it back into the abdomen. Coughing may also make the bulge to disappear.
There are various types of hernias. The names of these hernias are given according to the body part they affect. Some of the main types of hernias are upper portion of the stomach, surgical, belly button, and groin hernias. The types of hernias that affect the groin are known as femoral hernias. This type of hernia causes bulges under the groin. This happens to women more often than men.
If this condition occurs in the upper part of the stomach, it is referred to as hiatus hernia. It results when the upper section of the stomach is pushed into the abdominal cavity. The part that is pushed ends up in the chest cavity. It goes through an opening formed in the diaphragm. The condition may also happen at the position of the belly button, and it is called umbilical hernia.
Lastly, any surgical operation near the belly area often weakens the surrounding muscles. Contrary to normal tissue, scar tissue tends to have less strength. This weakness may result in the possible pushing of abdominal organs thus penetrating the scarred region. In addition to surgery, at times one may develop weak abdominal muscles at birth. These weak muscles later form the path for organs to pass through.
There are various causes of this condition. However, there is no factor that predisposes a person to these conditions besides surgical scars. The risks of having this illness increase with age according to studies. Also, men are found to be at more risk of being affected when compared to women.
The possibility of intestinal strangulation usually make is necessary to have all kinds of hernias repaired when they occur. However, there are some medical conditions that at times make it unsafe for a surgery to be done. In such cases, the doctor may decide to watch the progress of the hernia closely with hopes that it will cure itself. In most cases, hernias remain for a very period without extending in size.
Surgery may also not be an option in cases where the opening created by the hernia is too large. In cases where the opening is too large, it is very complicated to close it. In such a case, the use of abdominal binders may be a better option that surgery.
The weakness in the peritoneum muscles causes the intestines to bulge outside the abdomen into the groins or other spaces. The bulge that is caused by the condition is usually visible from outside. When one lies on their back, the bulge may disappear. It is also possible to make the bulge disappear temporarily by pushing it back into the abdomen. Coughing may also make the bulge to disappear.
There are various types of hernias. The names of these hernias are given according to the body part they affect. Some of the main types of hernias are upper portion of the stomach, surgical, belly button, and groin hernias. The types of hernias that affect the groin are known as femoral hernias. This type of hernia causes bulges under the groin. This happens to women more often than men.
If this condition occurs in the upper part of the stomach, it is referred to as hiatus hernia. It results when the upper section of the stomach is pushed into the abdominal cavity. The part that is pushed ends up in the chest cavity. It goes through an opening formed in the diaphragm. The condition may also happen at the position of the belly button, and it is called umbilical hernia.
Lastly, any surgical operation near the belly area often weakens the surrounding muscles. Contrary to normal tissue, scar tissue tends to have less strength. This weakness may result in the possible pushing of abdominal organs thus penetrating the scarred region. In addition to surgery, at times one may develop weak abdominal muscles at birth. These weak muscles later form the path for organs to pass through.
There are various causes of this condition. However, there is no factor that predisposes a person to these conditions besides surgical scars. The risks of having this illness increase with age according to studies. Also, men are found to be at more risk of being affected when compared to women.
The possibility of intestinal strangulation usually make is necessary to have all kinds of hernias repaired when they occur. However, there are some medical conditions that at times make it unsafe for a surgery to be done. In such cases, the doctor may decide to watch the progress of the hernia closely with hopes that it will cure itself. In most cases, hernias remain for a very period without extending in size.
Surgery may also not be an option in cases where the opening created by the hernia is too large. In cases where the opening is too large, it is very complicated to close it. In such a case, the use of abdominal binders may be a better option that surgery.
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