Saturday, April 14, 2018

Harmonize Mind Body And Spirit Torrance California

By Betty Gibson

When it comes to holistic health, there are many practices and treatments which reside under one umbrella. In most cases, , when desiring to harmonize mind body and spirit Torrance, basic Yoga practice is a good option. For, while more advanced types of yoga include a great deal of complicated movements, basic yoga only requires basic breathing and stretching techniques.

While there are a number of dance studios and classes around the world, non-alcohol bare-foot smoke-free improvisational dance groups can often provide a place of peace where one can let go and become one with the dance. Whereas, Yoga classes are offered in a number of different locations and settings. As both offer a place of "letting go, " and freeing oneself from thoughts of the mind, each activity often helps individuals find more balance in life.

While improvisational dance allows dancers to become in tune and move freely to either live or recorded music, various types of Yoga are more structured. As such, depending on how an individual feels about patterns and structure versus freedom can often determine which activity one might find more enjoyable.

While neither of these activities are an aspect of organized religion, it should be noted that Yoga is often considered the 6th School of Hinduism. As such, while not necessarily religious, many Yoga practitioners often feel a spiritual connection to the practice. Whereas, while some improvisational dancers do connect with a spiritual aspect, most of these type dance groups are not based in any aspect of religion.

It was centuries ago that Yoga first began as the 6th School of Hinduism in India. Later, the practice was introduced into the Western world by Yogis whom came to the United States and other locations to teach the practice. It was not until the 1980s that the practice became popular in many areas of the United States, Canada and Europe. At which time, the practice became better known as an aspect of Hindu mysticism and philosophy rather than religion.

While a number of colleges and universities have researched Yoga, none of the studies have provided results showing that the practice benefits any type of terminal disease. While this is the case, those experiencing issues such as heart disease, cancer, schizophrenia and asthma have indicated that the practice has helped calm issues associated with these conditions. Whether due to the relaxed state most of these activities promote or because individuals are more calm, balanced and focused as a result of participation has yet to be determined.

When it comes to personal goals of those seeking out these activities, most often it is to clear the mind and promote an overall sense of better health and well being. In addition, individuals having participated in these activities often suggest having a stronger sense of clarity and focus when it comes to all areas of life.

Ultimately, there are different principals when it comes to the practice. In most cases, the most basic of these are attaining goals and controlling the body and mind. Whereas, others include different aspects and techniques through use of specific terminology with regards to the different types of practice.

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