Friday, January 19, 2018

Health Benefits Of Fava Beans

By Brenda Cox

Humans have grown These crops since the ancient times of early civilization. They grow quickly and mostly as cover crops. This is because they are nitrogen fixers which is their natural ability since they are legumes. The difference between fava beans and other beans is that they can thrive even in severe environmental stress such cold spell or the hypertonic environment.

They are easily harvested while they are still young because, at this time, their leaves and immature pods can be eaten. The immature seeds can be used to make pot herbs which is a popular dish of the ancient times. The mature ones are usually removed from the pods and boiled to remove the seed coat or be fried.

They have immense health benefits to humans as they are rich in plant protein and vitamins such as vitamin k and B6 which are essential for growth and development of humans. It also contains substances such as folic acid which enhances the metabolic activities of the body leading to high energy production. They also play a role in the proper function of the immune system and blood.

Horse beans can reduce the risks of defects during birth, and many pregnant women are advised to include them in plenty in their diet. The rich folic acid content ensures that there are no deformities in the fetus during fetal development inside the uterus. Pregnant women are urged to eat these berries especially during the primary stages of pregnancy when the fetus is just starting to develop.

Elements such as manganese are found in plenty in these grains and play a role in increasing the weight of the also promotes acquisition and utilization of calcium which results in healthy bone formation. Disease such as the osteoporosis can be prevented when the patients consume these berries which contain such essential elements.

Magnesium, an element known to eradicate the risks of cardiac diseases is also found in broad grains. Many people depend on the food supplements as a source of magnesium since the body cannot produce enough of it. Thus through these grains, one can have them in sufficient amount. They reduce the blood pressure thus cause the decrease in risks of heart attacks. This activity is enhanced mostly when consumed with other supplements such as vegetables and fruits.

For the body to respond to the diseases, it needs a strong immune system. These grains are rich in copper which keeps the health of the blood cells in check. They boost the activities of the leucocytes as they destroy the free radicles that may cause the formation of tumors and cancer cells. These can be supplemented in the diet since the body produces very little of it. Other health benefits include prevention and control of diseases such as Parkinson disease.

However, there are others who do not eat these grains since they affect their health. There are medications that when taken cannot allow a person to eat these seeds because they may have the negative reaction. Some genetic factors have also been associated with the inability to consume these beans. Favism is as a result of consumption of broad grains by people suffering from a genetic disorder that does not allow them to eat is characterized by hemolytic anemia where white blood cells are destroyed at a high rate.

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