Thursday, December 21, 2017

Muslims Must Consume Only Halal Certified Food

By Sarah Gibson

The daily lives of Muslims everywhere in the world is, to a large degree, dominated by Islamic Law. The laws pertaining to what one may or may not eat and how meals must be prepared are comprehensive. This is because Muslims believe that foodstuffs not only affect the physical body, but also the morals and spirituality of a person. Islam authorities go to great lengths to make sure that Muslims are able to buy products and Halal certified food that fully comply with these laws.

Halaal certification, in essence, simply means that a manufacturer, retailer or restaurant has proven that they comply with all the rules stipulated by the Halaal Council. Such a council exists in almost every country where many Muslims reside. It is not easy to obtain certification and the application process can be protracted. Once it is obtained, it must be renewed every year. Certification can be withdrawn if the rules are breached.

Foodstuffs and products that contain certain ingredients, extracts or derivatives can never qualify for halaal certification. No Muslim may consume anything that contains any form of pork. Alcohol in any form is strictly forbidden, even if it is used as a minor ingredient. Derivatives and extracts have to be sourced at a strictly halaal abattoir because the processes in these abattoirs are very strictly monitored. No other source is allowed.

It is not only the ingredients and products that are used that play a role in obtaining halaal certification. The entire process whereby foodstuffs and meals are prepared is also carefully evaluated. Halaal certification involves the use of utensils and containers that have not been used for preparing non halaal products. It is even required to exclusively use separate cleaning and drying equipment.

Halaal certification does not require that only Muslims are involved in the manufacture of products or the preparation of meals. Nor is it necessary for an applicant to exclusively cater for the needs of Muslims. Any business or restaurant that complies with the criteria can apply. The full time presence of a minimum of two Muslims are, however, strongly recommended when meals are prepared or products manufactured and packaged.

Halaal certified products and meals are not just popular with Muslims. Many other people prefer these products and meals. Halaal meals are known for being prepared under very strictly monitored conditions and the highest standards of hygiene are observed at all times. There is also the fact that only the highest quality ingredients are used. In addition, many people firmly believe that halaal meals are more flavourful and tasty than meals from other cultures and sources.

Obtaining halaal certification is a complex process and applicants must go to some lengths to comply with all the rules. Sadly, there are some manufacturers and restaurants that claim to be halaal friendly or halaal compliant, but that do not boast official certification. Consumers should make sure that a product is indeed officially approved. It is also easy to check the certification of a restaurant on the internet.

The Islamic Law is important to all Muslims. These laws all have very specific purposes and the rules related to foodstuffs are deemed important. The vast majority of Muslims truly do their best to live by the dictates of these laws.

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