Monday, September 4, 2017

What Is A Kosher MRE

By Donna Price

Once in a while when you are out on maneuvers and it is meal time, you may have seen some of your battalion mates munching on a different kind of MRE. You may have noticed that the packs they have been getting has been marked halal or even kosher MRE. It has gotten you to wondering if these are rations that are better than yours in some way. As such to give you more information on what is meant by these labels, do read on in this article to further enrich your knowledge.

You should know that halal prepared food is one that has been prepared according to regions guidelines set by imams for Muslims, and that the food for Jews as set by rabbis and rabbinical statutes. These guidelines are also strictly covered in both the Koran and the Torah for those of the Judaic faith.

Most people will be familiar with halal food, as this can be seen on labels on items. However, halal, which means allowed, as opposed to haram, which means forbidden. Halal can also cover lifestyle and choices such as hotels, and even fashion and clothing. Sometimes television programs can also have a halal mark or symbol.

Kosher however, is also gaining ground in becoming more popular as more and more jump on the religious bandwagon. It is different however from halal food in some respects such as halal food will never contain or allow artificial condiments like mono sodium glutamate, while for Jews, their food may sometimes allow it.

Although Islam and Judaism are somewhat related as they both sprang from Abraham there are differences. What is good for one is not halal to the other and vice versa. It pays to never make assumptions base on what limited knowledge one may have or it could lead to embarrassing and sensitive situations.

Preparation of slaughtered animals to extract meat is something that also differs between Jewish kosher and Muslim halal foods. Muslims include a lot of preparatory prayers before and sometimes during the slaughter process, while for Jews this is not necessary, as long as a qualified Jew, most preferably a rabbi, does the preparation.

Alcohol is also permitted in Jewish accepted food preparations, so it can be include in the ingredients. One will never find alcohol in a halal preparation, so something acceptable like a fruit cake which has alcohol can never be eaten by a Muslim, although both consider fruits and vegetables as being acceptable and permitted. It is worthy to note that Jews will only accept fruits and veggies as long as no bugs have touched them and also grapes and grape products can only be acceptable if made by a Jew only.

This article has thus shown some main differences of Islamic and Judaic prepared foods to augment your understanding. Halal is more encompassing and surpasses being food only in its applications, whilst for the Jews, it is something that is related as to being clean and being ingested into the body, being food and drink in this case.

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