Wednesday, August 2, 2017

All About Halal Certified Food

By Michelle Hamilton

Its an unfortunate thing that the term 'Halal' is surrounded by loads of misconceptions and not so true allegations. The literal meaning of halal is permissible and Halal certified food is something that Muslims can permissibly consume according to their religious practices.

You will come across certain food items that should be made permissible before consumption and meat is one of those things. To make meat permissible, the animal must be slaughtered according to the Islamic practice and that is to say that you are slaughtering this animal in the name of Allah. Usually, before slaughtering the animal, the slaughter man has to recite Quranic verses to ensure that the slaughtering is being done in the name of Allah.

The slaughtering process required certain rules and regulations to be followed otherwise it will not be termed as permissible. For instance, after slaughtering it is essential to make sure that the while blood is drained out properly and nothing is left inside the animal. Similarly, only a Muslim slaughter man can perform this task because if a Non Muslim does the slaughtering it will not be regarded as halal.

The halal certification is granted by authorized authorities who have credible background that any one can trust. These authorities ensure that strict measures are taken before the certification is issued. Therefore you can have your peace of mind that all those companies and suppliers who have such certification are all genuine and have gone through extensive scrutiny. With advancement in technology, these checks have been made even more stricter as compared to before.

On the off chance that the rules are not taken after, your declaration may get repudiated as normal checks are kept up that every one of the principles and directions are kept up completely. Anything that breaks the customary halal technique could force some genuine claims. Nowadays, stricter control measures are being presented so everybody conforms to them and the entire framework can be enhanced further.

Apart from Muslim countries, there are many Non Muslim countries where you will find halal food which is simply amazing. This shows that Muslims have reached every nook and corner of this world. It was not that popular before but now, more and more people are getting familiar with the health advantages of eating such type of food.

Many Non Muslims refuse to consume such type of meat because they think its something Muslims eat and why should they consume it if its made permissible for Muslims. They do not take it as a good thing. This is because they don't have clear knowledge about the whole concept and they just term it as a Muslim thing.

Although mostly Muslims do follow their religion's guidelines and try not to deviate from it but, still many of them don't take their religious practices very seriously and think that they can eat and drink whatever they want without any worries. Besides slaughtering meat the Islamic way, there are other things like manufactured food and drinks that need to be certified as well to make them Halal for Muslims but many of them don't really go into such detail.

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