Friday, October 14, 2016

Types Of Procedures That Makes The TMJ Treatment Atlanta Doctors Offer More Effective

By Angela Williams

Though you may not talk much about it, the temporomandibular joint is the one that assists you close or open your mouth. It is known to be among the unique joints that you have in your body. When you have a problem with this joint, there is a possibility of developing the temporomandibular joint disorder. This disorder is usually the main cause of the pain that people develop in the jaws. Though there are times that this problem ends on its own, there are other times when people have said that temporomandibular joint exercises have helped in TMJ treatment Atlanta doctors offer and also reduce the irritation.

In case you experience some pain when you yawn or chew, then you might be developing the ailment. The first aid approach that you should use is the use of heat, cold or anti-inflammatory medication. Whichever option you choose, you should avoid chewing gum or beef jerky. Here are some of the exercise options that you can use to treat the ailment.

If you are experiencing pain in the jaws, you are advised to apply cold packs. The purpose of doing this is numbing the nerves and confusing the pain nerves that send the message of pain to the brain. You will need thin towels which you will use to wrap the soft packs for about 10 minutes on both sides of the face. Take caution that you do not exceed 20 minutes in doing this.

When the pain you are feeling is dull and not a severe ache, then the best method to use would be heated. This heat will increase the blood flow in this area and thus will cause the muscles of the jaw to relax. With this method, you will need to soak some washcloths in warm water then hold them for some time to the jaw.

The area around the jaws also needs to be massaged to let loose the tight muscles and improve blood circulation. You need to open the mouth several times in a day and rub the muscles next to the ears next to the temporomandibular joints. You should place the forefingers on the swollen areas and while pressing gently, swirl them around. This you should do till the muscles relax.

When you are doing a task that requires you to sit down the entire day, you are better off sitting straight rather than leaning forward. You should ensure that the chin is on the same level with the body. If you move forward, you will be putting a strain on your back and neck, and this will cause pain in the jaw area.

If you feel that the reason that the temporomandibular joint is painful is that of the clenching and grinding of teeth, you need to get a mouth guard. You can find this in a sports store. There is a difference between this guard and the one that is custom designed by dentists. However, if you the sports store to mold one that fits you, that too can be done.

When the arching is severe, you should try to avoid eating foods that are chewy. This will spare the jaw from overworking especially when the pain is extreme. Take soups and light foods. Avoid taking a big bite, use small portions to avoid stressing your jaw. Try to skip caffeine and taking caffeinated drinks, and this will increase the muscle tension.

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