Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Importance Of Everyday Heroes

By Evan Sanders

There's only so much time, and honestly, we all need to start using it wisely.

It's amazing just how quickly things can change in this life. One minute you are on top and the next minute you are laying on the ground flat on your back because you had the rug ripped out from underneath you. But isn't this the way life always works? Completely unexpected?

Our greatest moments come after the times that we lose rather than the times we win. Everyone loves a winner, but when you are down and out and you have nothing left in the tank you finally get to understand what you are really made of. You get to ask yourself, "Are you going to get back up again or are you going to quit?" That's a very big moment, and unfortunately, not a moment that many people can actually pass through effectively.

But why is that?

Because the thought of going through that pain again is so horrifying that they would rather play it safe for the rest of their life. They would rather watch from the stands than get on the field. It's much safer in the stands. There's really no possibility of getting injured.

However, for those who are willing to try again and again because they know their goals and what they are going after, they will rise and get back to the grind. They will continue to see it through all the way to the end because they know what is possible for them. They know the most important thing in the world - their "why."

We need people in this world who will dedicate their lives to inspiring the lives of others. We need these people because we live in a society that promotes personal success rather than the success of the collective. What if you could raise the lives of all of the people around you? What if you could take a stand for everyone instead of just what is possible for yourself? You could be something that would be remembered for all time.

So what do you say?

Now is the time to live your dream. Do it.

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