Monday, May 4, 2015

More Info On Arthritis Doctor Hartford

By Toni Vang

If you have trouble moving around or feel pain or stiffness in your body you could have arthritis. In the majority of the cases arthritis causes pain and swelling on joints. And eventually the swollen joint can cause disability. Many patients taken to arthritis doctor Hartford who experience the disease have sever joint pains and can barely move the affected part due to the pain they experience whenever slight movement is practiced.

Most causes are brought about by a combination of factors like genetic combination whereby one is more likely to be affected by it because their gene combination has it in its composition. Previous injuries also are some of the triggers of arthritis in some cases as the condition will attack this weak point. Also the nature of work is also known to be a contributing factor to the intensity of the ailment. This is because highly physical work involves a lot of strain to the muscles which in turn become weaker and more prone to it.

In most cases, it has a high number of occurrences among the elderly this is because they have experienced most factors in life that lead to the ailment. But in some instances in life its also experienced in children as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis which only affects children below the age of sixteen. These occurrences among children are not frequently heard of but they occur in some instances.

It has a varying range of symptoms ranging from severe pain on one joint to whole body aches that are accompanied by lumps on the body. These symptoms vary from one individual to another since their causative agents are all different and they signify different stages of progression. Some cases start from one point then progress to the whole body later in stages while other samples start at one point and do not progress.

Some types of foods are also known to be the causative agents. This usually is because they trigger allergic like reactions on human bodies, making them have aches like those of an arthritic case. Its known as reactive arthritis as it is their reaction that triggers the condition or rather bring rise to it.

Obesity is also among the major causative factors of this unbearing ailment. This is because the weight exerted on the body makes it to strain and exerts undue pressure on the joints making the cartilage to wear off thus causing the condition in obese individuals.

One of the methods used to treat this disease in obese individuals is by use of weight reduction methods. This is because the excess weight when removed gives one a relief in the burden it has to bear this giving the joints less work it has to do thus reducing the effect of this ailment.

Physical therapy is also advised to the affected as it helps maintain joint mobility and the exercise helps one to know much strain to put on and where it is necessary in order to help the patient perform the daily duties. Occupational therapy is also advised to those with the illness as it helps them do their daily tasks with minimal strain.

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