Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Las Vegas Thyroid Doctor Offers Innovative Solutions For Better Health

By Andre Ferlo

Even though it is tiny, the thyroid gland plays a huge role in governing metabolic processes. It tells the heart muscles when to beat quickly, and helps regulate the number of calories burned during normal activities. When disease or lifestyle factors decreases efficiency or changes its shape, a Las Vegas thyroid doctor can help restore function.

Located in the lower neck, this gland resembles a butterfly or orchid, with equal-sized lobes that wrap around the windpipe. It depends on iodine for hormonal production that sustains normal metabolic rates and output. If levels decline, chemical signals originating in the brain and other organs cause rapid hormonal increases and release.

Four main types of issues are the most prevalent. Low hormonal production is the hallmark of hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism involves excess amounts. Visibly enlarged glands are called goiters, which have more than one cause. Cancer of this gland is most common among adult women, but the prognosis for a good recovery has improved.

A common result of deficient hormonal output is debilitating fatigue. Victims may gain weight even though their diet has not changed, experience constipation and other digestive issues, and suffer from hard-to-control mood swings. Although not unique to this condition, the symptoms should not be considered normal or be consistently ignored.

Medical advances provide excellent solutions, but a growing number of physicians also recognize the important role diet and nutrition play in preventing problems and restoring function. Good results are more common when victims eliminate refined and processed foods, and begin correcting nutritional deficiencies with vitamins and mineral supplements.

Improved nutrition and other cutting-edge solutions help many people enjoy their former vitality and energy. When combined with an appropriate exercise regimen that is doctor-approved, metabolism becomes more regulated, and excess weight may disappear. Unpleasant mood swings become less frequent, and overall mental outlook often improves.

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