Monday, May 26, 2014

Infertility In No Way Suggests That A Couple Cannot Have A Family

By Diana Saunders

One of the biggest disappointments for many couples is when they are unable to start a family simply because they do not seem able to conceive a child. There are many reasons for infertility and sometimes a simple change in lifestyle can solve the problem. If this does not work, medical science can be utilized. Much work has been done in this field and thousands of couples have benefited from assisted pregnancies.

There are many possible reasons for being unable to conceive. Men may have a low or even absent sperm count. Certain diseases and treatments such as chemotherapy may also render a man infertile. Women may have blocked fallopian tubes or ovulation problems. The condition can even be caused by alcohol abuse, smoking and many different drugs. Even age and the fitness level of either partner can play an important role.

When a couple wants to conceive but find it impossible, they should examine their lifestyles and the various risk factors before seeking medical help. Obese and unfit women often find it very difficult to conceive. Diet also plays a very important role. Many couples find that they become able to conceive after making relatively simple changes in their lifestyles such as exercising regularly, dealing with stress and stopping habits such as smoking.

When medical help seems to be the only option, the first priority of the medical practitioner is to pinpoint the exact reason why the couple cannot conceive. Treatment can only commence once the underlying problem has been identified. Both partners will have to submit to a thorough physical examination and there are numerous tests that aim to pinpoint reason for being infertile.

When a man is found to be the infertile partner, various treatment options are available. In many cases men suffer from premature ejaculation or impotence. These issues are dealt with by means of therapy and medication such as Viagra. The semen of many men does not contain sperm due to blockages. In such cases a simple surgical procedure is sufficient to correct the problem.

There are many medicines available to help women overcome fertility problems. Medication is prescribed to treat a variety of problems related to a healthy ovulation cycle, one of the main reasons why women struggle to conceive. There are also drugs to decrease the number of male hormones in a woman and even drugs that can promote milk production. Treatment often takes a while before actual conception can be achieved.

No medical practitioner will guarantee success and this can sometimes cause a problem when it seems that the treatment is not having the desired effect. Some women become severely depressed. There is also the fact that treatment often result in multiple fetuses. Twins or triplets pose a real danger to the health of the mother. Premature birth is also possible and the babies may experience developmental problems.

Many couples desiring a child can be helped by medical science, but success is not guaranteed. If treatment fails, couples can still consider a surrogate or even adoption. It is interesting to note that many couples that opted for adoption eventually conceive a child of their own at a later stage.

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