Friday, February 15, 2019

Eating Right With Vegetarian Pho Recipes

By Virginia Adams

By all rights, humanity should not be the dominant species of the planet. Yet, it is. A quirk in the way humanity evolved meant that muscle strength was sacrificed for added cognitive development. Only a meat head with the thickest of skulls would argue that the tradeoff did not work out in favor of humankind. Using that intellect, human beings realized that a sharp rock could be used as a weapon. A little while down the road, someone discovered that attaching that sharp rock to a long stick might make for a truly game changing tool. The tools allowed early hunter gatherers to flourish and eventually their continued innovation led to the civilizations and cities of today. But all that progress needed fuel. Like any other animal, a human being needs to consume food in order to survive. Early humans were largely indiscriminate, food was scarce after all. But modern humans can be discriminate, they can be picky eaters. Ever food in the world is going to have a variant to suit varying diets, which is why some people cook vegetarian pho recipes.

Many countries have a signature dish, a dish that represents their culture, the food that makes people think of a country whenever it is eaten or served. For Vietnam, that dish is pho. It is a noodle dish made from rice noodles and meat, either beef or poultry.

As far as creatures goes, human beings are pretty omnivorous. The human digestive system is able to handle a diverse array of foods, though this can differ from person to person. But some persons are vegetarians, which means they only eat plant based foods.

The meat industry is an enterprise worth billions. Meat is also very tasty and many culturally significant dishes are made with meat. As such, it can be difficult to find recipes that substitute animal flesh for something plant based. But there are many chefs out there that have released such recipes. In fact, as people become more conscious of their eating, more and more vegan and vegetarian recipes are becoming moire widely available.

People switch to vegetarianism for a number of reasons. Some individuals just do not find meat palatable and find the thought of consuming the flesh of another animal to be disgusting. To others, not eating other animals is a moral and ethical choice, as they do not want to kill living things. Some people also disagree with the way the meat industry conducts itself, mowing down large sections of forests in order to create grazing land for chattel and other assorted livestock.

There can be benefits to a vegetarian diet. Meat is expensive, but anyone with a bit of dirt and some sunlight can plant their own vegetables to eat, which means that they save money. Vegetables are also packed with the nutrients that a human body needs, including the protein that athletes often consume meat for.

In recent years, food has become something of a luxury. Well, not all food, but maybe the exotic kind. The most places in the world, pho is an exotic food, and its popularity has steadily increased in the new millennium.

Speaking of restaurants, there those that specialize in Pho. These establishments will have different varieties. Including a vegetarian or a vegan option.

People need to eat. They are always going to need to eat. But it is up to them to decide what to eat.

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